Sending you Light!
December 7, 2024
7:30 pm
292 State St.
Portsmouth, NH
Con Tutti! is an alternative chorus of 100+ men and women located in Portsmouth, NH. The Con Tutti! mission is to create a comfortable atmosphere where men and women can express themselves with singing and celebrate the seasons with multicultural music and myth. Our concerts are held twice a year in May and December.
Con Tutti Virtual Choir
The 100+ women and men of Con Tutti!, directed by Joanne Connolly in collaboration with pianist/video producer Matt Jenson, celebrate all people and places with a vision of singing, connecting and giving. Singing in our local community, on our humanitarian concert tour to Puerto Rico, and now, from our homes, we share with you this traditional Irish song about the sanctity and beauty of life. In the end, when there is nothing more to say...let the life I lead...let the work I do...let the friends I have...let the love I share...speak for me.
It is in the spirit of this song that we remember the life of long-time Con Tutti! tenor Thomas Ingle whose charm and gentle manner will be missed by all.